What is the Member Awards and Thrift store formal!? CrossFit Gunnison biggest yearly event
to celebrate YOU the members and all your hard work over the year. - Food and Drinks Provided
- Member Awards and Prizes
- Open Team Winner Announcement
- Dance Party
- Spouses/friends welcome!
MEMBER AWARDS: https://www.surveymonkey.com/create/?sm=DAoT7eli0Zzi7Ycs_2F5YNjRLDzqncK0C9enEPk9MzEDE_3D
Voting closes Thursday March 17th!
Split Jerks, from the rack
6 sets of 3 reps
No misses.
14min AMRAP
20 (10ES) DB Push Jerk (50/35)
15 Box Jumps (24/20)
50' Each side DB OH Lunge (50/35)