2020 Member Awards
This year we will announce the 2020 member awards at the Open's final Friday Night Lights, March 26th and we want YOUR input!! Please click the link below to vote for your friends and classmates!
5min AMRAP
21/18cal Row
20 Alt. DB. Snatch (50/35)
10 Pull-Ups
5min Rest
5min AMRAP
18/15cal Row
18 (9ES) DB Hang Clean (50/35)
8 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
5min Rest
5min AMRAP
15/12cal Row
16 Alt. DB. Snatch (50/35)
5 Muscle Ups (Burpee Pull-Up)
Class Sign Up: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nejkp8WPfLbzOtdVionqABpgQQKS7N9qwpj0aE4VSKw/edit#gid=914340864