Wed. Nov. 10, 2021CrossFit GunnisonNov 9, 20211 min read16min ALT. EMOM-10 Strict Pull-Ups (3sec dwn ring rows)-:30 Hollow Hold-10 Strict Ring Dips (3sec dwn Push-Ups)-1min Rest14min AMRAP50 Double Unders 20 (10ES) DB Push Jerk (50/35)14 Toes to Bar
16min ALT. EMOM-10 Strict Pull-Ups (3sec dwn ring rows)-:30 Hollow Hold-10 Strict Ring Dips (3sec dwn Push-Ups)-1min Rest14min AMRAP50 Double Unders 20 (10ES) DB Push Jerk (50/35)14 Toes to Bar