CrossFit Gunnison

Mar 26, 20201 min

Thur. March 26, 2020


10 High Knees

10 Butt Kickers

10 High Knees

10 Butt Kickers
5 Squats w/ a 3 sec pause at the bottom

5 Drop Squats

5 Jump Squats

1. Strength
10 Resistance Band Squats, focus on pulling the knees apart on the way up and the way down
12 Alt. Cossack Squat, keep most of your weight on one leg while the other leg is kept out straight and to the side
16 Weighted Bridges
*Rest as needed.

2. Workout of the Day

5rds For Time: (10min Cap)
12 (6each side) DB/KB Single Arm Thruster
40 Double Unders/ 30sec of practice/ 15 Tuck Jumps

Mobility Finisher
Banded Hamstring Stretch x 2min Each Side
Couch Stretch x 2min Each Side
