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  • Writer's pictureCrossFit Gunnison

Thur. July 16, 2020

Please adhere to the County's Covid19 mandatory Protocols

Must be wearing a mask when entering building and in all common areas (office/bathroom)

Must wash your hands upon arrival & departure.

You touch it you clean it.

If you are showing symptoms of Covid19 of any kind you must stay home.

Maintain social distancing at all times.

Every 90sec

4 sets of:

1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Snatch Hi Pull + 1 Hang Snatch

3 sets of:

1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch

Add as you go. Working on technique

8min AMRAP

10 Push Press (115/75)

20 Sit Ups

5 Muscle Ups (5 Push Ups + 5 C2B Pull-Ups)

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Thur. July 25, 2024

Every 90sec for 5 sets: 4 Hang Power Clean Adding 12min Ladder 4-8-12-16-20… Chest to Bar Pull-Ups Box Jumps (24/20) Alt DB Hang Snatch (50/35) PLEASE NOTE THE GYM WILL BE CLOSED NEXT FRIDAY AUGUST 2N

Wed. July 24, 2024

20min AMRAP 15 Push Jerks (115/80) 20cal Row 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 800m Run Mobility Finisher

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