We have submitted an exemption for small classes per the 9th order. Hopefully we will hear back soon and can get you guys together BEFORE the 27th. Fingers Crossed!
For now sign up below for a time slot. We added next week but please only sign up for 2x week so others have the chance to get some CrossFit Gunnison face time. If you notice there are empty slots the day prior to the class feel free to grab extra!
1. Strength
5 sets of:
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Work on technique. Staying light.
2. Workout of the Day
21-15-9 For Time:
Cal Row
Alt. Front Rack Lunges (75/55)
Push Jerk (75/55)
Box Jumps
At Home
Warm Up
1/2mile Run
10 Pike Push Ups
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Jump Squats
:30 ES Overhead Hold
1/2mile Run
5min Dynamic Stretching
At Home Strength
5 Sets of:
5 DB High Pull + 5 DB Power Sntach + 5 DB OHS
Do all reps on the left before switching to the right side.
Based on mobility sub Front Squat for OHS.
At Home Workout of the Day
24-14-10 For Time:
Alt. DB Front Rack Lunges
DB Push Jerk (12ES, 7ES, 5ES)
Box Jumps (can sub step ups or tuck jumps)