Tues. Jan 2, 2024CrossFit GunnisonJan 1, 20241 min read12min ALT EMOM (7rds)-ME of: 1 Toes to Bar + 1 Chest to BarRest15min AMRAP5 Bar Muscle Ups (5 Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows w/ 3 sec decent)10 Burpee Over Bar15 Deadlifts (225/155)50 Double Unders
12min ALT EMOM (7rds)-ME of: 1 Toes to Bar + 1 Chest to BarRest15min AMRAP5 Bar Muscle Ups (5 Strict Pull-Ups or Ring Rows w/ 3 sec decent)10 Burpee Over Bar15 Deadlifts (225/155)50 Double Unders